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B i o g r a p h y

Alcina in Alcina

Photo by Cliff Romig

Soprano Kelly Rubinsohn is equally at home in comedic and dramatic repertoire. She has enjoyed performing roles such as the title role in Alcina, Governess (The Turn of the Screw), Ginevra (Ariodante), Donna Anna (Don Giovanni), Angelica (Orlando), Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni), Lucy Brown (The Threepenny Opera), Geraldine (A Hand of Bridge), and Anna Maurrant (Street Scene). In the Bay Area Kelly has appeared with Opera Parallèle, Pocket Opera, Opera on Tap San Francisco, Opera Academy of California, Waffle Opera, and Black Box Baroque. She is also one of the co-founders of Opera Theater Unlimited, a critically acclaimed independent opera company based in San Francisco.


Her awards and scholarships include the Encouragement Award from the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (San Diego District) and First Place in the East Bay Opera League Scholarship competition. She was previously a Young Artists at the Lyrique en Mer Festival in Belle Ile, France, where she was the soprano soloist for the Rossini Petite messe solennelle. Other programs include the Advanced Artist program at OperaWorks, the Lieder Studio at AIMS in Graz, Austria, and the University of Miami Frost School of Music at Salzburg.


Kelly earned her MM in Vocal Performance from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. She received her BFA from Carnegie Mellon University, where she additionally minored in creative writing. She is a staff writer at Modern Singer, an online lifestyle magazine written for singers by singers. She currently lives in Philadelphia with her dog Watson. She also enjoys writing fiction, crocheting, and embroidering.

© 2022 by Kelly Rubinsohn. All rights reserved.

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